Sunday, June 7, 2015

Comparison between Macbeth the book and the movie

"The Tragedy of Macbeth" by William Shakespeare was written in the medieval times and was recorded as one of the best books written.
After I have the read the book and watched the movie, I have some comparison to do and say my opinion.

Although I like to watch movies rather than reading, I actually prefer the written version of the play, because the acting of the movie wasn't very efficient and professional. The book gave more suspense and detail to what was happening. The reason I have watched the movie version is to get a visual image of what the book was saying,  but I didn't really wanted to watch it for any other reason.
Now there a few differences between the book and the movie, The director of the play decided to show the murders on set to give the reader a brighter image of what was happening. He also made violence and death as the theme that was going on in the story when he showed the death of the thane of Cawdor. There are some other minor difference that didn't affect the book, but added detail to the movie. The addition of some scenes was  unnecessary because it just confused me as the reader of the book.
When I was reading the book, it was different , I felt like every scene had its own momentum and suspense. Although both the book and the movie have the same details, the book was predictable and I was able to know what was gonna happen from some small details the book didn't include.

To conclude, I think the book did a better job portraying its various themes. I'd rather read the book than watch the movie, even though I prefer watching movies. Ill give the book a higher hand than the movie.

Comment and tell me your opinion.


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